Sorry its been kinda dead around here lately. Other than posting my class handouts I haven't really posted in a while. I haven't really been doing much leatherworking. Mostly just bodging little things together or repairing items.
Part of that is that we were selected as Baron and Baroness of Skraeling Althing last November, so most of my free time is going towards planning things for the Barony, and part of it is a lingering shoulder injury from last Pennsic which doesn't like certain movements needed for leather projects.
I've been doing some silk banner painting, and playing around with carving fabric stamps, but that's been about it.
But in the last few weeks I've started a major project that folks around here will likely be interested in.
As a continuation of my leather dye project, I'm developing a new database for period leather dye recipes.
Soon you'll be able to search for recipes that use particular ingredients, produce a certain colour or come from a particular region or time period. I won't have the actual recipes, since they are copyrighted. But I will include links to the sources, and will include my redactions and notes in cases where I've tried the recipe.
I'm hoping to have the full thing created and all the data inputed by the end of the year.
So stay tuned, big things afoot.
Nice article.1
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