Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Every year in February, the SCA group in Ottawa (Caldrithig) runs an event called Practicum, which is basically a day full of various classes on SCA topics. I've been a few times to attend classes but I find most years there just aren't enough classes on topics that interest me.

They've just sent out the call for teachers, and its got me to wondering if I should perhaps offer to teach a class or two this year.

My hesitations are:

1) I'm still pretty early on the leatherworking learning curve relatively speaking, so I'd be limited in what I could teach. Maybe an orientation to the basic tools and types of leather, and maybe a basic pouch making type class. And, even on those topics I'm certainly no expert.

2) On the topics I could teach, there are several people who often teach classes at Practicum that are much better qualified to teach them.

Essentially, if there's a gap I could probably fill it, but really the students would probably be better served learning from someone with more experience.

Down the road, I could definitly develop a class on the stick-purse and on my work with period leather dyes (once my experiemnts and research are done). But I'm still on the fence about this year.

So, what do you think - oh blog reading public?

Is there stuff I could teach that you'd find interesting?

1 comment:

  1. the benfits with a basic class is that one would walk away with a finished project. There is something really nice about that.
